Fails13 Videos

Joe Louis Knockouts – Awesome Career Highlights

Great video highlighting Joe Louis and his life/career.

All Your Base Are Belong To Us – Translation Fail on a Classic Video Game

All Your Base Are Belong To Us. If you don’t find this funny … you probably get laid more than most people I know.

Bad Parkour, aka Parkour For The Common Man

Now this I can do! Parkour, or “free running”, is basically a fancy way to run away from the cop really quickly. It was invented by the French (imagine that, the French inventing a new technique for running away. I’m surprised they haven’t come up with a new way to surrender) and became popular the […]

Quite possibly the stupidest woman ever

Wow. Just wow. This lady who called into the radio station has to be trolling them, right? I mean, are there really people out there who are that dumb?

Treadmill Fail – Play Him Off Keyboard Cat

Keyboard cat adds some musical accompaniment to a treadmill failure.

Grape Stomp Fail – Play Him Off Keyboard Cat

Keyboard can’t wait to play off a female news anchor after she tries to cheat in a meaningless competition. owwwww, ohhhhhh, oooooooooooooooo!

Honest Trailer – Home Alone

Have you ever wondered how many lives your favorite action hero would really need to survive a movie? We asked an actual doctor to answer that question for us in Screen Junkies’ new series “Honest Action.” Next up, The Wet Bandits in Home Alone.

The Worst Athlete Ever

This is just hilarious. When he just starts flipping them out of the way cause he doesn’t give a fuck, and then starts taking out other competitors hurdles as well. Too much.